Monday, February 15, 2010


After re-organizing and cleaning out my room on a whim today I realized how much I thrive on order, structure, and organization- and how much I enjoy implementing it. (I have no idea where this is going by the way)

Now I realize this is partially a personality thing- but I believe God has put in each of us a desire to have our lives  in order, the same way He has made the universe a perfect and orderly system made up of billions of varying inner systems all running by His master design. That's the one thing I do enjoy about studying science- it reveals so much about how God cares about every infinite detail. I won't make this an argument against evolution or any other similar idea- but I know that it makes perfect sense to me that this world and the vast expanse around it was created by a Master Designer, a Creator, with a plan and purpose put into every atom and molecule. Pure chance- not to mention the billions of chance occasions that would have to have occurred for evolution to be true- just doesn't cut it for me.

Have you ever stopped to realize how beyond incredible it is that this same God- the one who shapes galaxies and orchestrates the future of every living thing from their first to last breath- has created you and me to be in intimate relationship with Him? That He wants our praise and adoration- not because He is needy and doesn't know how awesome He is- but because He has created us to thrive off of that praise and glorification of Him and draw the deepest joy imaginable from it? That He loves us- the ones who wake up every day and constantly sin against Him all day long? Lying, cheating, murderous, wrongly motivated, lazy, self-absorbed, undisciplined individuals that we are- still He wants to talk with Me every day? He will even look at me!? And with love! I can't help but be amazed.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Carrie... I especially love your understanding of the purpose of worship. The more aware of our depravity we are the greater our love for him. Luke 7:47 "Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little loves little." This seems to put a premium on sin. That if you are a really big sinner you will love God in a big way, but that's not what this is saying at all. It simply means that he who is aware of how sinful he is (which is all of us) when he is awakened to the gospel will love much. The awareness of his sin will cause him to to cling to Christ as his only hope.
