Monday, September 20, 2010


Maybe being right isn't the most important thing after all.

Maybe knowing what I'm going to do isn't as important as knowing who I am going to be.

Maybe what they think isn't as important as what He thinks.

Maybe relaxing isn't always pointless; it has it's proper place.

Maybe trusting God isn't quite as easy as I once thought.

Maybe God actually knows what He's doing.

Maybe the good fight really is good, all the time, in every moment.

Maybe following Jesus is simple- loving God and loving people.

Maybe we have more influence than we will ever realize.

Maybe it's not all about me.

Maybe God being good should pervade every facet of my existence- not just when my life lines up with my faulty definition of "good."

Maybe being prosperous and having abundant life doesn't mean having a bunch of nice stuff.

Maybe a life with God really does only get better.

Maybe. Just maybe.